About This Site

From Marks Polakovs
Revision as of 21:23, 9 November 2024 by Marks Polakovs (talk | contribs)
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My personal website runs on a bit of an interesting tech stack: MediaWiki on k3s. This page aims to explain a bit about why.

Why MediaWiki?

In short, because I realised I was spending longer setting up my personal site's tech stack than producing content. So hopefully the "go to a page and click edit" experience will help.

Also because I have a fair bit of experience maintaining a MediaWiki site at YSTV (and even have a couple commits to the core).

Also inspired by a friend of mine using DokuWiki for hers.

How Mediawiki?

Built into a Docker container (with LocalSettings.php in it).

Why Kubernetes?

To learn it mainly. My day job is in DevOps where it's a hot technology.

Other Tech

Here's various other assorted bits of tech that contribute to bringing you this site. Maybe I'll write up extended posts about them.

  • GitHub Actions for building the container image
  • GitHub Container Registry for hosting it
  • Renovate for keeping base images up to date
  • FluxCD (WIP) for automatically deploying from GitHub
  • cert-manager for certificates
  • Tailscale for remote access to the Kubernetes API
  • Oracle Cloud, for the free VM it's running on